The Mary Parker Follett Network

Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. - MPF

All Blog Posts (18)

article on Follett

I just discovered Follett and wrote a short article about her for the Conscious Leadership Guild, published here:

Added by John Renesch on October 11, 2021 at 4:58pm — 3 Comments

Mary Parker Follett: Final Thoughts for the Year 2018

This is the last post in the series by Dr. Carolan McLarney, Dalhousie University, Halifax Canada:

"As we prepare to welcome a New Year, the last word belongs to a woman who passionately believed in the reality of integrating the diversity of cultures for the greater good. Mary Parker Follett valued differences, maintaining that together we gain strength and renewal, as individuals, as groups, as a society.

To complete our series on Mary Parker Follett, I am joined by Annie…


Added by Rebecca Budd on December 30, 2018 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Happy Birthday Mary Parker Follett.

This is an excerpt from the September 3, 2018 Blog Post on CEGE Connection with insights from Irena Stropnik, Director, Branch Transformation, Western Canada, Scotiabank

Dr. McLarney’s discussion of Mary Parker Follett’s theories on Group Membership has provided me with much…


Added by Rebecca Budd on September 3, 2018 at 3:18pm — No Comments

Dr. Carolan McLarney: Mary Parker Follett on Group Membership

“We find the true man only through organization. The potentialities of the individual remain potentialities until they are released by group life. Man discovers his true nature, gains his true freedom only through the group.”Mary Parker Follett, The New State: Group Organization the Solution of Popular Government.…

Dr. Carolan McLarney

Added by Rebecca Budd on June 5, 2018 at 4:04pm — 2 Comments

Dr. Carolan McLarney: Mary Parker Follett on Leadership

Leadership is not defined by the exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power among those led. The most essential work of the leader is to create more leaders.” 

Mary Parker Follett

Dr. Carolan McLarney's first…


Added by Rebecca Budd on April 4, 2018 at 8:00pm — No Comments

In Search of Mary Parker Follett

In a recent e-mail addressed to Matthew Shapiro, Network Volunteer, I expressed a desire to highlight the life and work of Mary Parker Follett in 2018, the 100th year anniversary of “The New State.”

I am pleased to advise Mary Parker Follett has been introduced on Dalhousie University’s CFAME Connection blog on December 18, 2017. The…


Added by Rebecca Budd on December 19, 2017 at 8:46pm — 2 Comments

An attempt to connect Mary Parker Follett and Oliver Sheldon

Sonia and I have worked on an attempt to connect Oliver Sheldon and Mary Parker Follett's work. You can read the result of our study in the Journal of Management History (

Oliver Sheldon has been working at the Rowntree & Co in the 1920's. He wrote a book about the "Philosophy of Management" in 1923 that has been read by…


Added by Sébastien Damart on October 11, 2017 at 1:56am — No Comments

Follett meets Rumi: some recent work in Pakistan

‘When a man's eye shall be single’—Do we quite know yet what that means? Democracy is the fullest possible acceptance of the single life.

This is a quote from The New State (1918) by Mary Parker Follett. Quite interestingly, it was picked up by a contemporary Muslim poet and used in the work that is now regarded by many to be the greatest masterpiece of modern…


Added by Khurram Ali Shafique on February 5, 2016 at 8:14pm — 1 Comment

Woman on Currency

Hi everyone,

I used to chat a lot with Albie. I've been in this network a long time. She suggested I run this by the group. I recently read the forum posting that said how eerie it was to see MPF's picture come up with only that one of Bernard Bosanquet. I may be quiet but I don't give up on my interest in Mary Parker Follett. Wouldn't it be great seeing that photo if it was on U.S. currency?


Added by Jeff Bedolla on July 20, 2015 at 12:54pm — No Comments

The Relevance of Mary Parker Follett to the Market Basket Protest

    Last summer's stunning protest by thousands of employees at the Market Basket food stores in Massachusetts , New Hampshire and other states was both a major labor action success and an exhibition of innovative worker management cooperation in the face of extraordinary opposition from the Board of Directors. The saga was played out largely in the media and in public demonstrations, including a protest gathering of 6,000 employees one day near…


Added by Stephen Kaiser on October 22, 2014 at 12:03pm — No Comments

Emmanuel's book is now available !!

Dear Follettien Friends

We are proud to announce you that Emmanuel's book is available

Here is the link  Follett Un management au service de la société

We deeply hope that it will…


Added by Martine MOREL on December 20, 2013 at 12:05pm — No Comments

The End of Leadership

Christmas Greetings,



A hopefully delightful consideration in this turbulent time of organizational transition. Please enjoy the posting:



Added by Rune Kvist Olsen on December 19, 2012 at 2:27am — No Comments

Follett Free minds

I believe that Mary Parker Follet has brought to humanity a universal truth expressed in actions of the words given.


As humanity grows in its self-understanding, its ability to move forward in life's journey; will evolve with the purpose for the betterment of the whole.


This will lead our human culture, to be more inclusive, to be increasing transparent, and communication systems break down the everyday dualities that come about from assumptions not accurate…


Added by Robert Shariff on November 19, 2012 at 2:42am — 1 Comment

New Book on Ella Lyman Cabot and MPF

Hi Folks, 


I just wanted to invite you to take a look at a book that I am publishing this fall on MPF and Ella Lyman Cabot with Rowman and Littlefield.  Thanks!  All the best,  





Added by John J. Kaag on August 2, 2011 at 3:22am — 2 Comments

An Introduction to MPF

What this web site needs is an introduction to MPF and her work as a fixed link page, linked prominently on the home page. "New to MPF ? Go here >>"

I find myself writing my own introductions in each new connection I make to a new person who ought to be interested in her, rather than simply providing people with the MPF Ning link.

Could be a wiki page ? Only needs to be "a page" not a full biography / bibliography, with links to other sources. Does one of us already have…


Added by Ian Glendinning on December 20, 2010 at 7:09am — 3 Comments

MPF and contemporary non-linear facilitation practices...

A while ago, I wrote a blog post on my website, inspired by a MPF quote that Albie had posted here...

Recently, as I was editing the post a bit for the purpose of greater clarity, I realized that some of what I'd written may be of interest to some folks here.

Here are a few paragraphs from the opening:

One of things that is most central to me about the practice of DF, is something I’ve called the "principled refusal to 'manage' convergence". As I see it,…


Added by Rosa Zubizarreta on December 12, 2010 at 8:41am — 2 Comments

Integrative Mediation, Restorative Justice, and MPF related Videos

All, I am casting about for sources relative to videos that can be used as educational resources covering integrative mediation. Though most application of restorative justice seem to have a strong religious basis, it seems that there is a opportunity for application of MPF's integrative mediation/problem solving. You can email me directly Tadit Anderson

Added by Tadit Anderson on March 19, 2010 at 2:44pm — No Comments

Seeking good home(s) for Follett background materials

Hello Network Members,

Since 1989, when I first "met" Mary Parker Follett, I've been conducting informal research on both her life and ideas. Part of my drive was to learn more about her as there was little in print at that time.

By 1995 Pauline Graham's wonderful book, Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of Management (A celebration of writings from the 1920s) was published by the Harvard Business School.

In 2003, Joan Tonn's "tome," Mary P. Follett:… Continue

Added by Albie M. Davis on July 12, 2009 at 2:42pm — 14 Comments

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