The Mary Parker Follett Network

Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. - MPF

Dr. Carolan McLarney: Mary Parker Follett on Leadership

Leadership is not defined by the exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power among those led. The most essential work of the leader is to create more leaders.” 

Mary Parker Follett

Dr. Carolan McLarney's first interview on Mary Parker Follett  was published by Dalhousie University's Blog CFAME Connection on March 27, 2018.  The article was shared on LinkedIn and attracted over 1,200 views.  We are delighted by the response and interest generated by Dr. McLarney's first interview.  Our next post is scheduled for May 2018. 

I am very excited about the journey ahead and will keep you informed as we go along.  I invite you to read the article at the following link – share as you think appropriate.

Rebecca Budd

Blog Coordinator/Editor

CFAME Connection

Dalhousie University

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