I tripped upon an article written about her when doing graduate school research and felt like I found my first mentor. I've finally found someone who understands my thoughts and ideas better than I do - AND knows how to express them! I feel I've only scratched the surface of her work. My focus is Leadership for Social Change.
Matthew Shapiro sent me an email saying you were wondering if it was too late to send a text for the next conversations in Normandy. It is not too late. Do not hesitate to send me a short text now and then a full paper (no more than 10 pages) before the 1st of June. I attach to this message a short guideline. Submission_guideline.pdf
I don't know that I can help much as I'm very new to this list, but I'd be delighted to have contact with you. I'm a first year Ph.D. student with a Concentration in Ethical and Creative Leadership.
At 12:51pm on November 22, 2013, Jeff Bedolla said…
I'm still getting the hang of this. The comment below goes to Lecia's recommendation.
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Dear Lecia,
Matthew Shapiro sent me an email saying you were wondering if it was too late to send a text for the next conversations in Normandy. It is not too late. Do not hesitate to send me a short text now and then a full paper (no more than 10 pages) before the 1st of June. I attach to this message a short guideline. Submission_guideline.pdf
I hope to see you in Normandy next October.
Best regards,
Hello Lecia,
I don't know that I can help much as I'm very new to this list, but I'd be delighted to have contact with you. I'm a first year Ph.D. student with a Concentration in Ethical and Creative Leadership.
I'm still getting the hang of this. The comment below goes to Lecia's recommendation.
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