The Mary Parker Follett Network

Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. - MPF

2018 is the 100th anniversary of the publication of The New State, and the 150th anniversary of the year of Follett's birth. What can we do in meaningful celebration?

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I'd love to be part of  this celebration. I've advanced to Ph.D. candidacy and might even be finished by 2018. Right now I'm working on my proposal.


William Cerf

I think hosting another dialogue in Boston makes the most sense...

As compared to...

I like your thinking. I will consider some meaningful ways to celebrate. I am wondering if we could target groups and individuals interested in strengthening (living into) our Folett...who would appreciate The New State but are totally unaware of Follett? Host dialogues (Knowledge Cafe Style) around the relevance of her ideas in this book and as they developed....

Just thinking out loud. I do want to be a part of this. 

Suzanne Martin 

I would recommend a conference. best regards Marlies W. Fröse (Dresden, Germany)

Hi Matt,

I think this would be a nice idea. I also see all these books coming on Follett and announced on this network. What about a conversation on Follett in March 2016 to celebrate all our works and share ideas as we did it in Boston in October 2011? I'm OK to try to organize something with you if you're OK too.

Perhaps we should start with a question like this: What would be the objectives that you would hope to achieve in organizing a 2018 gathering/conference around Follett/The New State?

I've started making a list of things that might be done in a "Year of Follett" (2018). Here are some possibilities. Please add your ideas!

- Conference(s) (both stand-alone and piggybacking on others, e.g., the National Coalition of Dialogue and Deliberation's 2018 conference)

- "Read-Ins" of The New State

- Sending copies of The New State to all congresspersons and parliamentarians, CEO's, etc.

- Publishing an e-Reader version of The New State on Amazon (for free)

- Asking selected "thought leaders" in politics to review The New State and reflect on its value and implications for our times.

- Newspaper editorials

- Special editions of leading journals in political science, management, and conflict resolution, with articles solicited around themes raised by Follett and her works...


I'll be sending out notice of a survey that I hope will help us define the "what", "when", and "where" of a 2018 conference.

The survey has now been posted. Please check your email for the link. So far, we have 46 completed surveys, out of 444 network members. Your thoughts are very important!

96 surveys complete or partial. I'll start compiling the results to share with the network.


Results from the survey for planning Follett 2018 are now posted to



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