The Mary Parker Follett Network
Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. - MPF
Hello, three questions.
1. List of countries. Attached is today's tally of the home countries of our Follett network members. 52 countries represented! I used the advanced search tool on the members menu to gather this information Did I include yours? Please click the link below. Hope you can read my handwriting. MPF%23.jpg
2. Technical question. Does anyone know how to create an interactive map by which we could actually "see" our membership on a flat projection of the world? Or better still a revolving transparent globe! And one which when an entry is touched, shows the contact information? Am I asking too much of modern technology?
3. Prabhu Dutt Shastri. I have a wonderful book by Parbhu Dutt Shastri, Senior Professor of Philosophy, Presidency College, Calcutta. The Essentials of Eastern Philosophy. Published in 1928, based upon two "addresses delivered in the University of Toronto at the Philosophical Conference, 1922." He seems such a soul brother to Follett. I'm wondering if they ever met, or knew of each other's ideas. Does anyone know more about him?
I love so many of the things he says, but I'll just enter one here:
Why start with the prejudice that the East and the West can never meet, because of their inherent and vital differences of temperament, standpoint, and civilisation? Differences are not valueless, and consequently are not to be tabood. A world without differences is unthinkable. Differences are an indication of life and struggle. You cannot wipe them out completely. What is wanted is that you should discover the underlying unity and uniformity than run through all differences. (page 5, Essentials of Eastern Philosophy.)
And, he has dozens of other most quotable and fascinating observations.
Thanks, Albie Davis, Thomaston, Maine USA (
Hi Albie
Many thanks for your email. Although I'm not currently an active contributor to the MPF network I greatly value the postings from other members. I'll try to access/buy Shastri's book.
With regard to your query at point 2 you may be interested in looking at Hans Rosling's work with the visual representation of data. He's wonderfully enthusiastic and has some free software that can be downloaded. Try this link He's given some great presentations on TED as well as Youtube.
Ciao, Anne
Hi Anne, (from Australia!)
Thanks for your speedy response. I just visited Hans Rosling's site: It is fantastic! I just watched the graphic flow across the decades, showing coastal vs. landlocked countries economic advances and was amused to see little landlocked Luxenbourg "win the race." That's worthy of a book in itself. I'm very happy to have this resource and have many friends who will enjoy it as well.
When I'm searching for used books in the USA, I go to a UK site: does have several copies of Shastri's book, two for $4.13. (Seller, USA: Better World Books) Of course shipping to Australia! I know my Australian friends want me to bring books if I visit because of the shipping costs. So, hopefully some local book store or library will have a copy.
We have nine MPF network members from Australia! I know Peter Spence, and now you!
Again, Thanks, Albie
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