The Mary Parker Follett Network

Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. - MPF

Presentation to the International Society of Systems Sciences "Mini-Symposium" - March 11 2023

M Shapiro Presentation on Follett to ISSS - March 11 2023

This morning I had the pleasure of presenting Mary Parker Follett to a weekly discussion group of members of the International Society for Systems Sciences. A link to the presentation is above - I hope I did her justice!

Matthew Shapiro

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A wonderful presentation - thank you for sharing!

I particularly enjoy that you cited so much from The New State and those wonderful Follett quotes on democracy.

Matthew, what a wonderful presentation!!!

Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Really lovely!

At some point I'd like to share something about my dissertation on the facilitation of Citizens' Councils in Austria, and how I wove Follett's work into the analysis...

could be lovely to collaborate on something from that, for publication...

lmk if you're interested...

all best wishes,


Thank you, Rosa. Interestingly, the question of Citizens' Councils came up yesterday after my presentation. I'd like to learn more. Reminds me also of a conversation I had today in the cafe; my friend said that we have all of the answers -- what to do about citizen engagement and what to do about conflict and war and the environment..all of the challenges we face. We just don't have the will (or readiness or courage or whatever it is) to actually do them.


Rosa Zubizarreta said:

Matthew, what a wonderful presentation!!!

Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Really lovely!

At some point I'd like to share something about my dissertation on the facilitation of Citizens' Councils in Austria, and how I wove Follett's work into the analysis...

could be lovely to collaborate on something from that, for publication...

lmk if you're interested...

all best wishes,


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