The Mary Parker Follett Network

Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. - MPF

I've worked through Dynamic Administration and as a book it was a bit of a mess, because apparently there was no editor at all, and obviously it was posthumous. Let me be a bit clearer, this is not due to any failing by MPF at all. It is the product of using this collection for purpose that was not intended by MPF to be published. It is a collection of short articles and lectures, that had been previously unpublished, the copyright date for its publication is 1941. Due to the lack of an editor and it just being a collection there was a lot of repetition. I collected together what seemed to be MPF's important points, reworked them into an organized development. updated some of her language which is now a bit antiquated and then added some of my own material as transitions.

I've taken a more contemporary view on some points, in part because due to the cultural retreat we seem to have experienced since her era and also I don't feel that she understood the then coming effects of the financialization of industry which in the US had started in the core industries in the 19th century. I've attached my six and a half page condensation, editing, rewrite as an article which I'm also using in other contexts. This is under the title of "The Logic of Co-operation." I have also attached a shorter article that I did that places MPF in a historical context. This is attached under the title of "The Logic of Conformity." Feel free to contact me to give me feed back. Tadit Anderson

These essays are also posted at

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